CIMPOR de Portugal

La empresa portuguesa CIMPOR – Cementos de Portugal – invertirá en la industria de cemento de Perú.

CIMPOR adquirió recientemente el 80% del capital accionario de la empresa Cementos Otorongo que es propiedad de inversionistas suizos, españoles, y británicos aplicando con tal propósito 57 000 000 de soles.

CIMPOR construirá una nueva planta de cemento en Arequipa la cual tendrá una capacidad de producción anual de 650 000 toneladas. Este proyecto demandará una inversión de 125 000 000 de dólares americanos.

Esta nueva planta poseerá una capacidad instalada equivalente al 10% del consumo total de cemento en Perú.

CIMPOR atenderá la demanda del mercado local y utilizará la infraestructura portuaria de TISUR para despachar sus productos al mercado chileno.

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Más sobre CIMPOR:


To produce, market and develop high construction materials whilst complying with principles of sustainability and maximising/preserving shareholder value.


CIMPOR plans to remain one of the main players worldwide in the trend toward consolidating the cement sector whilst maintaining its growth and internationalisation policy. It plans to maintain excellent technical, economic and financial performance compatible with its adopted voluntary principles of sustainable development.


To defend shareholders’ legitimate interests through intrinsic appreciation of their investments in the company and adequate remuneration.

Focus on the full satisfaction of client expectations in accordance with the ethical principles of integrity and applicable standards.

Fair remuneration for work performed, career advancement opportunities and fairness of treatment.

Constant search for excellence by establishing ambitious goals and by selecting leaders at all levels capable of taking responsibility and the meeting targets.

Compliance with national and international standards, particularly regarding Product Certification and to the proper application of the Quality Management System.

Harmonious integration in the social and cultural surroundings, based on an active policy of environmental protection and cooperation with local communities.

Maintain a policy of innovation and development of technology, products and services, in cooperation with the academic and scientific community.

Communities near plants
Implement a social assistance policy to overcome structural weaknesses and to support social and cultural activities.

Society in General
Maintain totally transparent Communication and Social Responsibility policies related with the Groups commitment to proactive duties of citizenship


To consolidation current positions through internal growth – whilst increasing efficiency and capacity at industrial units - and greater penetration in markets where the Group already operates – expansion to activities relating with the cement line (e.g., ready-mix concrete and operation of quarries).

To make new acquisitions, with priority given to geographic areas of emerging on the emerging markets where the Group already operates, while maintaining the necessary balance through operations in consolidated and mature markets where the growth potential is offset by lower risk.

To optimise operations by taking advantage of synergies, cost cutting (particularly energy costs), higher personnel productivity and investment in R&D.

To develop trade between the Group companies so as to balance peaks in certain markets with supply in other areas.

CIMPOR en el Mundo

CIMPOR - Cimentos de Portugal is the largest Portuguese cement group, operating in eleven countries - Portugal, Spain, Mozambique, Morocco, Brazil, Tunisia, Egypt, Cape Verde, South Africa, Turkey and China involved in manufacturing and marketing cement, hydraulic lime, concrete and aggregates, precast concrete and dry mortars. Cement production capacity with own clinker to close to 28 million tonnes per year.


SPAIN - since 1992

MOZAMBIQUE - since 1994

MOROCCO - since 1996

BRAZIL - since 1997

TUNISIA - since 1998

EGYPT - since 2000

SOUTH AFRICA - since 2002

CAPE VERDE - since 2005

TURKEY - since 2007

CHINA - since 2007

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